Monday, August 24, 2009

Liberty's First Smiles

Today, Liberty had her first conscious smiles. Isn't she precious?!

The Many Faces of Liberty

Here are some close-up shots of Liberty's adorable and very round face!








Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Peter Laughing

Recently we were watching a movie Willow which featured a Brownie (miniature person) falling into a barrel of beer. For some reason Peter found this absolutely hysterical so we played the scene for him several times and each time he saw it he laughed even harder!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Fourth of July

July 4th was Liberty's first full day home from the hospital and a chance to live up to her patriotic name by dressing up in red, white, and blue!

Peter enjoying his rocking horse...
...with much intensity!
Liberty and her Great-Grandma Parker