Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Teaser Pics of Julie and Andrew's Wedding

We drove up (or across?) to Missouri this weekend for Julie and Andrew's wedding. Unfortunately I discovered last night that when I copied my wedding pictures over to Julie's parents' computer, somehow my camera memory card got stripped. (I cried.) So unless we can somehow recover the card, I've lost the last month or so of photos. The wedding pictures are still on the computer so at least those are not permanently lost (and Matt is supposed to be burning me a CD and mailing it to me). Anyway, I only have this one picture that I had put on Facebook and a few more that I'm borrowing from Lindsey.

This was taken in the bride room while we waited for the ceremony to start. I asked Julie's dad to stand on a bench and take this from above and it came out pretty good.
[The rest are Lindsey's photos. She has mad photography skills.]

This was taken in the room we all got ready in, shortly after we all were finally completely ready. (Lining up by skin tone was unplanned!)

Twachel and Twisti - just under two years ago we were Maid of Honor and Bride! The Bride and Groom!
Peter and Eddie, sitting in the back row waiting to be dismissed. The bridal party was up in the balcony where the photo was shot from.
Sitting and waiting for the receiving line to be over...
The toast at the reception


Julie @ Director Jewels said...

Oh my goodness! I didn't know your memory card got erased! :( I'm sorry!!!

Did Matt make you a CD? I'll make one for you if he didn't.

The Parkers said...

Actually Eddie's coworker was able to recover the pictures... but some of them got messed up in the process. So I have most of them. I'm content with that. Most of the time.

Julie @ Director Jewels said...

Well I'll make sure to put yours on the master wedding CD. And you'll get a copy of that. :)

The Parkers said...

Oh good, I can't wait. I don't have any of the fun group margarita glass pics from the bachelorette party, so I definitely want everyone else's photos.