Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fall Happenings

Here is a random assortment of pictures from this fall. Peter's birthday and party photos are not included because I plan on posting them separately, soon (that's the plan anyway).

The first two photos were taken at Red Robin on Christi's birthday:
Liberty is now learning to play with toys!
Yup, that's Peter eating out of the peanut butter jar (it was almost empty)!
Peter's first time eating cotton candy - naturally he loved it!
This boy does not like looking at the camera...
Our little pumpkin and wild tiger!
The cousins together (refusing to pose, of course)... Taryn is a butterfly
Peter helping Mommy cook
This is actually a doll stroller! Perfect size for Peter to push Liberty in, but it wasn't very stable.
That's a calculater that Peter thinks is a cell phone. He placed it on Liberty's ear so that she could talk!


Julie @ Director Jewels said...

I love the cotton candy pic!! He looks so blissfully delighted. :)

Lady Teacup said...

Oshgosh... I lovelovelove the first one of Liberty with the toy. She's so adorable. You gotta bring these kids up here so I FINALLY meet them. :)